
The Peloton Fashion Parade

Back in the day (as such), it was often difficult to tell who was who in cycle races. This was partly due to the fact that a large majority of them were/looked like coal miners after a long race due to the fact that they rode on dirt track rather than the fancy tarmacadam'ed stuff we have today. Another factor was that as life was in black and white back then, so everyone was in fact wearing varying shades of gray. 

These days, we have a massive variety of different options and "colourways" for what we choose to attire ourselves with. No longer are we restricted to the simple striped designs of the 1950s, nor the day-glo creations of the 80's (although it that's your bag, go for it!) What you wear is now more of a statement to the world.

Option 1: The Hi-Viz

Worn by: Commuters, people who ride in the dark, quietly seething models (see left).

Advantage: Cars have no excuse for not seeing you. Also, if you wear it for long enough, it gets that washed out look that screams "I'm a hardened cyclist, I fear you not!"

Disadvantage: It's a bit 80's techno isn't it?

Option 2: The Team strip

Worn by: Mainly MAMILs (Middle-Aged Men in Lycra) and guys who actually ride professionally.

Advantage: You feel like your cycling hero, kitted out in the same gear.

Disadvantage: You're technically a walking sandwich board of advertising. People will assume you are as fast as your cycling heroes. You are not.

Option 3: The Vintage
Worn by: Hipsters, people who were around at the time.

Advantage: I guess you get to pay homage to those who came before you or something like that

Disadvantage: You're also wearing the same gear as that bearded 65 year old who just outpaced you. You wont ever be as fast as Eddie Merckx. Hipsters.

Option 4: The Wa-haha-cky!
Worn by: Those with a skewed sense of humour, the author (see left)

Advantage: You get to show you're a fun-loving guy, and it detracts from your portly frame. People don't bother racing you.

Disadvantage: Hearing bone jokes ("no bones about you", "my, that's a slimming jersey") gets old real fast. You will end up known as the "skeleton guy".

I think the jersey to the right is going to be my next acquisition. Pin the colours to the mast :-D


Unknown said...

Option 5 - full business suit, umbrella, briefcase

Ryan J Fitch said...

Option 6- Nude