
On Training Rides and "The Bonk"

So yesterday was the third training ride, the second one I've been on. Out to Arbroath and then back the same way. With the wind behind us, we set out towards the land of the enigmatic "smokie" and birthplace of the inventor of the waterbed (no, seriously!) The going was pretty good, with a nice tail wind (the kinder sibling of the head/facewind.) 

Upon arriving in Arbroath, we decided on following my idea of going to a little cafe I visited last year on a similar ride. 4 miles out of Arbroath, after a long hill climb, it occurred to me that I wasn't really 100% sure if we were going the correct way. Not lost, just not quite sure :-p. On the plus side, it was good exercise. Right guys? 

Back in Arbroath, we sampled the delights of the eponymous Arbroath Smokie. For the uninitiated, this is a smoked haddock (Sorry Calum, not mackerel) and a speciality of the area. After much clicking around on cleated shoes, we found a fishmonger selling them pretty much fresh from the oven. 

Gotta watch them seagulls...
With giant seagulls circling, we sampled the delights of Arbroath's delicacy. I guess the closest thing that Dundee has is the Moch chop- a fake pork chop made from meat of dubious origin. It's so mysterious that wikipedia declared it a "mythical foodstuff" and removed the page. 

Unfortunately, the tailwind, on the way back became a fierce facewind. Just past Carnoustie, we were starting to struggle a little bit, so a quick skittle break was in order. "the bonk" had hit. This aforementioned condition is unique to cyclists, and similar to "hitting the wall". Physiologically, it comes from losing the glycogen stores in your muscles. Symptoms include
-Concrete legs
-Blurred vision
-Grey colouration
-Gibbering to oneself

The cure is simple- sugar, and plenty of it. The bonk sufferer will not want to eat or drink, but it's necessary. Quick 10 minute break and you'll feel like a new man/woman. Of course prevention is better than cure, so eat for half an hour ahead, even if you aren't hungry at the time.

And for the cramp, always carry some of this -----------------------> a little pinch on the tongue, followed up with some water should get rid of most cramping pretty much straight off. A very old cyclist (with a beard) told me this sage piece of wisdom, and I didn't believe him until I tried it.

For those who fancy giving the route a try, and for the guys on the ride, I've put the details up here

It's only 11 days until the big ride now, and I'm starting to feel more confident. On Friday, we had the first of two maintenance workshops, from the lovely folks at Spokes in Dundee. Learnt a few useful things, and I think we're prepared for most eventualities now.

Not sure how much we've raised just yet, but we can raise more. You can donate by clicking on the picture below:

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