
I Know You're Ahab, goddamn it!

First, the title- a very good friend of mine commented on the content with this. I thought I would share :-)

Less than a week to go now- pressures are being checked, chains are being greased and I still don't have functioning brakes! I am currently attempting to starve off a vampiric cold with double doses of vitamin C and zinc- my second in two weeks. Grargh.

But yes, news is afoot! The route has been planned, and I'm sure the gang wont mind me putting it up on here :-).

Day 1. Dundee to Pitlochry. 89.47km. 55.397m

Day 2. Faskally – Roybridge.99.11km. 61.4 miles.

Day 3. Roybridge – Resipole. 72.34km. 44m.

C2C Day 4. Resipole – Ardnamurchan. 44.65km. 27.7m.

Hills (the eternal enemy) are rated on a scale from 1-5 in professional cycling based on length and how tall the hills is. We have 3 cat.5 climbs and one cat.4, so we should be alright :-). Points for whoever comes over the top first perhaps :-p.

Less than a week- really excited! Not sure how much we've raised, but there is still time to donate- click below to go to the DARE Paypal site! Anything you can spare is much appreciated :-)

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