
It's the Weekly Update!

It's time for the weekly Tuesday Wednesday Thursday update! Less than a month to go now (see the clock below- apologies for the ad, but I don't know enough code to get rid of it!), and it's all coming together actually. The update is at the bottom for anyone bothering to follow my progress :-).

The one thing that we need is SPONSORS! As I've said before- all the money goes directly to the charities involved in the projects- the folk going don't get a free ride at all! And to sweeten the deal, for anybody who sponsors me, I will bring you back a (small) rock from the Ardnamurchan peninsula myself. 

To sponsor me: E-mail me at r.fitch@dundee.ac.uk with your name, number and how much you would like to sponsor me. Oh, and what kind of rock you would like (roughly).

Four of us rode on a turbo trainer in the union on Tuesday night, and raised an amazing £205, which is pretty darn epic! Having a bunch of guys on a blue road bike on a club night obviously had the positive effect. 

Treacle: Sticky stuff....
For the uninitiated- a turbo trainer is far less exciting than it sounds. Tis essentially a steel frame with a roller that has resistance. You clip the bike in, and the rear wheel spins on the roller and you're on a roll, but not really, obviously. When you first jump on, it's rather like pedalling through treacle

You will tilt the bike over at least once the first time, but just try not to do what I did and lunge forward on the attack, ripping the bike from the trainer and careering forwards into the masses.


Current Mileage (according to 2 week old bike computer)- 160 miles (+38 miles!)
Average speed on home run: 15mph (sticking around that)
Current weight: Total loss of 6Kg- great!
Current mantra: “Ah, yes, the sponsorship. That."
Things wrong with bike: New brakes in shop. No money to get them :-(. Thus stuck with old "Spongy" brakes. Need new bar tape. Other than that, nothing!

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