
Cycling for the poor student

So yeah, I'm a student. And as such, I therefore never have any money. Ever. Student loan just about covers rent for a month and some cat food. So this doesn't leave much for cycling, which is traditionally a ridiculously expensive sport (£15,000 set of wheels anybody?)

They'd better be diamond studded.

But don't let this put you off! You can cycle on a budget. Mainly because you don't need all that fancy stuff! So here's my guide.

Professional cyclists use: Fancy-ass balanced sciency drink stuff.
For the poor cyclist: Sugar-free squash, add sugar and a pinch of salt and some crushed pro plus.

Professional cyclists use: Specifically balanced bars and gels
For the poor cyclist: Jelly! Beef jerky! Bananas!

Professional cyclists use: This season's highly specialized clothing that is tailored to fit.
For the poor cyclist: Sportswear from a charity shop, one of those black + white neck-scarfs that were trend a few years ago.

Professional cyclists use: A fully fledged team of spotters, mechanics and sports nutritionalists.
For the poor cyclist: The internet and library books.

Professional cyclists use: Precise GPS tracking.
For the poor cyclist: Runtracker.com lets you map what you rode for free. Couple that with a stopwatch of some variety and you're sorted. There's loads of other variations.

Professional cyclists use: Brand new carbon fibre bikes that you can lift with a finger.
For the poor cyclist: Last season's heavy-ass bike with parts that will fall off pretty sharpish.

Professional cyclists use: Specific pressure watchers, a set of brushes, degreasing fluid
For the poor cyclist: A bucket, fairy liquid and a dish brush.

Professional cyclists use: Indoor static trainers, complete with ridiculous things like sweat catching bike protectors. Seriously
For the poor cyclist: There's a road outside your house right? Go. Ride. Repeat.

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